The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Monday, 9 June 2014

Are CCM and Govt behind Escrow?

It is an open secret. David Kafulia alleged that some big thieves scooped over 200 billion dosh from our burglary-friendly Bank. They call it Bunch of Thieves (BoT).
Those in the know say that this is another EpA given that we’re having elections aka uchakachuaji next year. Thus, dosh must be scooped to see to it that takrima’s available for boozers to trap and catch and swindle if not to fool and bulldoze for five years thereof.
Kafulia named names.  He named Saada Mkuyati Minister of Dosh and Economy, Ben Ndururu governor of BoT, Prof Sossie Muongo minister of Energy and Raw Materials and his permanent sec A-liar Kim Maswi and Freddie We-rema chief defender of dosh launders especially those stashing their dosh in Swiss and other offshore banks.
When Kafulia named names, I wondered to hear the big minister Mizengwe Pinder playing devil’s advocate by gagging the august house from forming a select committee to look into this childish larceny. If anything, in law, such a move makes mzee Pinder an abettor who receives the same punishment if such thieves are found guilty of the offence they’re alleged to have committed.
Given that Chama Cha Maulaji (CCM) is in power and the dosh is stolen under its watch, it, too, becomes another accomplice if not a co-conspirator in committing the crime.  If CCM is in for it, so too, the govt made by it is guilty of the same offence of plundering the hunk.  So, to save face, mzee Pinder decided to reign in.  He knows too well. If he allows the mjengo to form a Parliamentary committee a la Mwakiembe one that crucified Eddie Luwasha, this time around, the whole thing may be pulled down. If it survived during Richmonduli saga thanks to the myopia of Mr. Sam Sixx and co, this time it won’t survive. So too, if the whole scheme fails, it means. CCM will lose elections. For, without dosh to chakachua, CCM is as good as a toothless dog. Being a sitting duck as far as delivering the boozers is concerned; CCM needs some dosh to buy its way back to ulaji.
Looking at the above dissection, one‘d agree that those calling for the crucifixion of those thieves alleged to have stolen the dosh are wasting time. For, such a call will land into deaf ears given that those supposed to crucify those guys are their buddies in crime. Kambale wote wana sharubu ati! All catfish have mustache.
In a simple parlance, what’s known as Escrow is nothing but screw boozers and get dosh for chakachuazation as it was in 2005 when EpA dosh helped Jake Kiquette to bribe boozers who offered him ulaji. I can see that chap’s shaking his head. Man, shake not your head. I’m not making this up or involving myself in sanaa. To know that what I’m saying’s true, ask yourself. Has Kiquette ever refuted such allegations or talked about them? Why? He knows. If he does, he’ll be opening Pandora’s Box for those in the big picture to come and dress him down. For, over eight years, just like the names of drug dealers, EpA’s been kept a top secret for the fear of being unearthed and dressed down.
What’s more, do you know how Kagodaman aka Roasttamu Aziz was removed from the picture by being urged to retire politics? If you don’t know this, then go hang. Lao moja.
Let me give you more nuggets of wisdom. You know what. Escrow apart from ending up being like EpA, will die just like Swiss dosh which the Swiss authorities offered to help but your govt refused knowing that those behind the crime are the same guys you’re telling to jail those that stashed money in Swiss and other offshore banks. I know. You may doubt this. Ask yourself. Why do our guys like to travel and pretend to beg a lot? Such are pretexts used to go and stash dosh into the offshore banks. To prove that what I’m saying’s true, ask yourself. Why have initiatives to ask Swiss authorities to bring back our dosh have died?
The other day I was trying to envisage those involved in dosh laundering and capital flight. As I smoked my ganja, I saw the guys that you won’t think would be thieves. Then one idea came to me. Look at the system in lieu of the bin Adams. What do you expect of the system that allows foreigners or papered citizens to own its economy? What do you expect of the system that denies its people dual citizenship while it pays a blind eye to foreigners with multicitizenship?  What do you expect of the system that allows its leaders to hide their fortune while the law requires them to declare it? Ask Kiquette and his family and company if they can divulge their mammon.
This being the real situation, Escrow thieves will soldier on as they mint and print much dosh. This is Bongo boondoggle bwana. Don’t say or ask if the govt and CCM are behind Escrow burglary. You've already known everything.
Source: ThisDay June 9, 2014.


Anonymous said...

CCM makes me sick

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

You're dead right. All who wish well for our country are sickened by CCM.