The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Saturday, 14 June 2014

“Generous eating”, Bongo style

 Our eating generosity’s known all over the world. We’re known for having gentle and welcoming bin Adams especially to the foreigners and the biggies. This generosity’s enjoyed even by Bongo rulers who've always slept at the wheel without facing any ire from those eaten generously.  When it comes to enjoying Bongolalalanders’ generosity, many can tell. Ask investors. They’ll tell you how generous this hunk’s. They enjoy tax holidays for years. They enter agreements favouring them as once evidenced in RITES, IpTL, Dowans, Richmonduli and many more. Indeed, Bongo recently added another feather in its cap.  This is nothing, if anything, but eating to finish. Ask EWULA that’s able to swindle 83 billion out of 100.
 Guess what. When one MD faced music along with his wife for gluttonously eating our hunk, I sensed a bigger danger. Given that this matter’s before the court, I’d not like to delve into it further. Suffices to say, our hunk’s in a big menace of being eaten by our tireless, ruthless, useless, senseless, spineless and hopeless eaters. The danger’s going to become bigger and bigger given that there’s nobody sane and bold enough to reign to put this madness to an end.
 Looking at the MD in question, it’s obvious. This is a crop of elites we've now. How myopic and megalomaniac!  You know what. After being appointed to ulaji in one firm dealing with supplying energy, the guy invited his wife, friends and company to enjoy the eating. They ate almost everything. The memsahib’s tasked with supplying fake and over-valued stationaries to the firm her hussy manned. Can we call this corruption, nepotism or nihilism?
Though this chap’s crucified, I thank him for unveiling the type of officials we now have in our offices. Essentially, what this selfish and myopic MD did is a typical replica of what’s been going on in public offices. He gave his wife ulaji the same way biggies allow their wives to form ghost NGOs or children to run for political and other ulaji positions. It is not a sin to allow, say, your son to run for parliamentary seat if you’re a minister even a president. Kosa liko wapi? If anything, something’s to be said loudly and clearly. We’re a country of eaters who eat with both hands and legs without washing them while puking and pooping into the container w eat from.
The other day I heard one guy saying that this hunk’s its owners to transliterate as the guy put it. Indeed, this hunk’s its owners who are the eaters. What adds up’s the fact that when one looks at this eating frenzy we’re evidencing, it’s true this hunk belongs to a certain cabal of nifty guys who can eat what’s theirs and what’s not theirs. The good thing is, wanakula mali ya umma ambayo haiumi. Who’d think that $ 200 million would be swindled by just six big thieves as it was alleged by David Kafulila and nothing happened to them?  Again, this is the hunk whose president begs like crazy.
Wait. A day after news came that vigogo swindled ESCROW money that’s become screw; I read another piece saying that our hunk loses $581 million annually thanks to purchasing fake medicine and vitamins! Why, does a hunk with all natural foods, purchase vitamins in the first place? Wizi mtupu! What do you expect of the hunk ranked high in corruption in Africa? Nobody can that it is but an ill wind. Looking at the way our politics are conducted corruptly and blindly chances are that we’d be prepared for yet another clique of swindlers to take over from the current one. How’ll they fail if at all signs indicate that there’ll be chakachuazation as usual come next general elections?
Eating’s always a good thing especially for those eating. Ironically, in Bongo, eating and being eaten seems to be pleasant. How’d it be different if at all we see’s sheepish pleasantness? Who’d risk thinking that such a begging hunk would allow filches to do away with almost two billion dollars annually? If anything, such gluttonous and blind eating epitomizes of whom we've become. Useless, senseless and aimless one would say. Sad again, we still have people who are proud of this rot saying the hunk is forging ahead. How with all this miseries? Our eating style is unparalleled, corruption at its very best. While corruption’s surging, the patience of those eaten is wearing thinner and thinner so as to put the future of hunk at real risk. Things are going from bad to worse and no sane leadership is seriously addressing this anathema.
Source: Guardian June 14, 2014.


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