The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Tuesday, 22 December 2020


Many people used to take for granted the fact that the United States is one hell of a giant and mature democracy the world has ever evidenced. In this myopic umwelt, one fails to see the true picture of the real thing even its political rationality and tonality or intersubjectivity. However, there is a caveat in this taken-for-granted faith in US democracy. US president Donald Trump has thrown a moggy to the pigeons. After vote counting indicated that he is likely to lose the elections, Trump became pugnacious and vitriolic to the extent of starting to call the entire exercise fraud.  Before this conundrum, many thought that the US has what it takes and much to offer as far as democracy and accountability are concerned. However, considering the quandaries it is in, there is nothing to offer. It is the right time for others to teach the US democracy. 
        The US and the West in general used to send electoral observers globally. Is it time for those who used to be at the receiving end to reciprocate by sending their observers whenever conduct its elections? As things stand, it seems, to me, that what used to be an archetypal democracy isn't really. As the votes are counted after the 2020 general elections, the US seems to have quickly lost its thump and brio. Who’d think that the president of the self-appointed leader of the free is not free? Neither does the president of the US trust his own institutions, democratic institutions. President Donald Trump has clearly shown that democracy we used to know isn’t actually what it is, but it is only logical and meaningful when he wins. 
        Despite one of the tenets of democracy revolving around winning and losing, for, Trump and the like, democracy becomes fraud and deceit when he loses. That is why Trump is ready to destabilize the country in pursuing for his narrow and personal interests. As a former president and businessman, Trump knows the results of his greed. Stock markets are likely to respond negatively as they always do amidst instability. If at all Trump were a patriot as he always wants Americans to believe he is, would have underscore the dangers this imbroglio poses to the economy of the US and the world in general. But again, not for Trump, a self-seeker and “a pathological liar (Sen. Bernie Sanders, Al Jazeera, 11/11/2020) or a conman (Joe Walsh, former Trump supporter, Al Jazeera, 15 November, 2020) who will stop at nothing but power and glory that he has already squarely lost. When will he come to his sense? Nobody's guess so to speak.
        Knowing how poochy and proud the US has been in tutoring democracy to others, many are dazed to see how chaotic elections in the US have become. Will Trump destroy the entity, the US that cloned him or the US destroy its clone? The situation is jumpy in the US after being polarized by the politics of the tummy under Trump. US' international stature is long gone. Trump has squandered everything by setting the country against almost everybody except Israel and Russia and many stinking dictators in the Middle East and North Korea.  
        If there are losers along with Trump are none other than Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Arabia crown prince, Mohamed bin Salman who used Trump as their stooge in doing their dirty laundries and covering their dirty asses. After getting to power, Trump turned America into his private estate for benefiting and employing his daughters, sons, daughters in law, sons in law and courtiers who abused the office of the president willy-nilly. Instead of showing leadership, Trump and co really showed lack of it. Instead of serving the country, they served themselves. Instead of respecting the constitution, they defalcated it and defecated on it with impunity. Of all, Americans will never forgive Trump for mishandling Covid-19 pandemic. If anything, this hugely factored into the defeat of Trump whom many people globally loved to see him lose. 
        Furthermore, Trump, a self-confessed misogynist, racist and white supremacist, is known for hating non-whites. Refer to how he called African countries shitholes and Mexicans drug pushers and rapists. As if that wasn't enough, Trump waged war inside and outside the country.  If there's anything Trump will be remembered for is nothing but fracturing the US and the world around cheap fundamentalism and toxicity as the leader of the most powerful economy on earth. To cap it all, up until now, Trump seems hellbent to stay in office illegally. Will he succeed?  Again, why Trump has behaved and misbehaved this way? The simplest answer one can offer is that Trump, since he was born, has lived in his own bubble or realities instead of living in real realities almost in every matter. Now that it has downed on him, will Trump max up his disloyalty to the US or just biting the bullet and let things proceed as they naturally are supposed to as far as presidency is concerned? How will Americans judge Trump and his controversial and convoluted presidency?
        The US that used to teach other democracy now needs to be taught about the same. The country that used to take pride in its institutions needs to be taught how to create and respect healthy institutions. Is it true that the elections in the US were a fraud and its democracy a white elephant? Who knows? Although people may blame Trump for his stinking corruption and mischiefs, they need to blame themselves for creating and empowering him. How could sane people hand over the power to the person who has no clue about it? Though the world has concentrated on Trump as a person, they need to turn their attention to see the cause roots of all this uselessness as a country. As country born of sin of colonialism, thuggery and slavery, is it the time for the US to pay for its sins?
        Now that Joe Biden US president-elect after fairly defeating Trump, will he expiate the peccadillos the US has always suffered so as democratically become yet another third world? Will the US keep its snide behaviour about teaching others democracy? Will it have the guts and gist of calling the likes of China and Russia dictatorships? Time will accurately and timely tell.
Source: African Executive Magazine Wednesday tomorrow.

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