The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Friday, 11 December 2020


Hello Dr. Mhango, 
My name is Mahilet Mesfin and I’m Senior at the University of Washington. I’m reaching out to commend you on your fantastic book, How Africa Developed Europe, which has been the main source that I’ve cited for my Senior Honor’s Thesis. I’m writing about the negative effects of Western literature produced to portray Africa as helpless, ultimately to further advance their own agenda and keep Sub-Saharan Africa under its underdeveloped status. I’m also covering how these pieces are taught to future generations to continue their cycle of sucking the literal life out of Africa. Your book has helped me so much throughout this entire writing process, and I want to thank you for your hard work on this topic, doesn’t seem like it gets talked about in this perspective much.
         I know this probably a far-reach, but if you’re available I would love to meet with you sometime to delve into the topic a little more. I’m extremely passionate about the economic status of Africa and would like to hear some your insights in a real-life conversation, I would be so honored! 
Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you soon. 
Mahilet Mesfin  
Seattle City Council, Legislative Department Intern
International Development and Human Rights

This message made me feel good that my works  add up in improving the lives of other people. As an academic and author, this is more of what we target than money though we need it. 

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