The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Did you know traffic jams kill?

        All those residing in Dar-si-salama (haven is no longer safe) that used to be Dar es Salaam or the haven of peace know what I’m trying to say. I recently spoke with a friend whose name is top secret.  Hot under the collar, the guy was complaining on the phone due to unnecessary traffic jam. This guy who lives in Tabata told me that his car and heart are worn out not just because he uses them roughly. Nay, pointed a finger on traffic jams. The day the vice president of China came to the hunk the guy spent over three hour on traffic jams. The other day the minister without head or tail nearly killed this gent when the roads at Mwenge were closed to let this spineless big pass.
Agonizing, sweating, swearing and marooned in his car, the guy told me of his predicament.  I asked him if those closing roads pay more taxes than those they crucified in jams. For my dismay, the guy told me that those guys don’t pay tax.  Instead, they even rob the same tax collected from paupers and boozers. I frowned, what? He said that this is the real situation whether I liked or hated it. Wow! I said sarcastically. If it were in Canada, such better than thou egoistic creatures would be kicked out of public offices mercilessly.
Jokes aside, did you know that traffic jams are ones of the reasons that send many people to grave early? If you don’t know you know now. How can one avoid this agent of early deaths? There are two sure solutions namely to boot those causing traffic jams or pretend that they don’t exist. You know what? These guys close roads so that they can pass speedily in order to avoid dying of heart attacks resulting from traffic jams which essentially cook you alive. I’m trying to imagine. How does it feel to be in a dala dala for hours in burning Dar? Methinks. This is no other than being baked alive so to speak. Shall our boozer use their brains well; such a situation would create mayhem for those torturing them so as to be too hot to handle. Thus, do the right thing, to stop traffic jams.
Again, when you’re baked alive so as to become an easy target of heart attacks, those baking you don’t care. For, they bake you to avoid being baked. Bake them. They’ll become responsible. Normally, they turn you into their beasts of burden pointlessly. To make these filthy rich beggars care, you need to bake them too so that they can experience what you experience. Heart attacks aside, I know Swahili ladies. When you come home late after such torturous traffic jams, brace yourself for the hot seat at home. From hot dala dala to hot seat! Wow! What a crisis!
Traffic jams kill both those at home and those at work. For, once one is late chances are some tend to worry not only about coming late but also about vibaka, vyangudoa, vyangupaka, wakware and whatnot. Again, there are those who take advantage of the situation to do their monkey biz such as visiting short time guest houses.  I know girls and boys, even men and women, who come home late after having an affair. Yet they blame everything on traffic jams. Such moves are deplorable and dangerous. So, be careful folks. Stick on the one you vowed to live with especially those whose moral laws obligate. Miwaya itawamaliza bure.
What’s nary crossed my mind is the rationale we use to embark on such loss-making show-offs. Does it mean that those ngurumbili who like to be escorted with convoy of unwanted motorcade don’t know this? First of all, apart from exploiting the paupers, they anger them. Secondly, they cause environmental pollution not to mention making our begging hunk poorer and poorer. They spend much money and time in begging while they actually can change their behaviour and make more dosh than the one they degrade themselves for. Again, who cares if their pop once said that if you see such traffic jams note that the economy’s grown? For, it can allow everybody to buy mkangafu and clog our narrow roads. If such a backward-looking thinking is the modus operandi on the top, what do you expect from such cold blooded sociopaths hidden behind power? With such creatures on helm the hunk is dead in the water.
What makes every observer sick is the fact that, despite all such brutality, nothing up and coming has ever seen coming out of suffering boozers. Beware. Make no mistake. Traffic jams kill!
Source: The Guardian.

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