The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Monday, 14 July 2014

When ministers talk and act like boozers

Guess what. I've a bone to pick. Some ministers hugely act and talks as if they've nary set a foot in the class. Did they forge their academic credentials like those weave evidenced been protected by Mr. Top? Who knows especially in this Bongo boondoggle where any criminal can call the shots even by breaking the law? Did you hear how Makorongo Mahanga threw towel admitting he forged his PhD? Now it is official. The so-called Dr. Milton Makongoro Mahanga is but a quack-cum-forger. Will Jake Kiquette keep on keeping him in his cabinet?
Jokes aside, I unbelievably heard minister of state in the president’s office (social relations and coordination), Mr. Steve Wassira saying things nobody his size and stature would easily contemplate about. It is as if he turned himself over. The guy’s quoting as denying truth that unemployment is a ticking bomb in Bongo. He went further urging those thinking unemployment is a bomb to tell him how to defuse it before it wreaks havoc in the hunk. If you don’t know such a simple thing, what are you doing in our office sir?
Again, what Mr. Waziri didn't get is the fact that whenever anybody tells you that you’re sick, it isn't his or her responsibility to either cure you or take you to the hospital. I still can’t get it. How can such a senior minister give such a lumpen response before the house in the first place? You may find such a person beating his chest that he has answered correctly so as to silence the opponent while he actually release hot air. Is there any different between such a politico and the boozer really?
Another minister who left me in stitches is Prof Sospita Muhongo (Energy and Minerals) who’s quoted as saying, “Now our country will be run by gas economy, that said bomb will have gotten the solution, we need to be patient, and good things need no hurry.” What’s obvious apart from giving blabs Muhongo’s contradicting Wassira who sees no danger at all. Ironically, such are the responses from our academics. Which gas economy if at the said gas will benefit investors whereas Mzito Kabwe says that Norway’ll make twice as much dosh as what she aided Bongo since independence? Which gas economy if at all our senseless investment is next to giving away if not throwing away? Doesn't minister know that our gas, just like minerals, will benefit the so-called investors in the first place? What a Shangri-La economy!  Does this need a PhD to comprehend really?
Methinks all what causes this myopia is the fact that when biggies secure jobs for their kids, friends and bootlickers assume that all boozers experience the same. Guys, we’re out here dying of all miseries such as kanywaji and bhang because of unemployment. I wish I were one of the biggies’ kids employed by BoT and other money-making ventures in the hunk. I wish my pop were president so that I can become an MP wantonly.
Again, Muhongo’s take defies logic and the whole spirit of being educated. Education is about finding solutions, provoking healthy dialogues and making rational arguments.
How dare you say that boozers should wait for pipe dream known as gas economy while you are not ready to answer to charges fired by David Kafulia that you robbed us 200 billion dosh? Why waiting for non-existing-gas economy while a little we've already realized is swindled in the broad light and you don’t want to come clean with us about it? Why should we be patient and wait for Utopian gas economy while mineral economy didn't run our hunk or benefit us but the takers you call investors? I wonder. Why can such a person be referred to as prof. even if such a person is prof, he seems not to be educated in the true meaning and sense of the term. If the minister, who’s a prof, acts like a boozer, how’ll uneducated boozers act?
Muhongo remained me of academic miseries our hunk suffered under Prof J4 Maghembe and Dr. Shchool Kawadog. Does the problem lie on an individual or our education system? Is see no difference between these two academics and Phil Mulungo, for deputy minister for Education who said that Bongo is the union between two islands namely Pemba and Zimbabwe.
Another prof who left me dismayed is Prof Jimmy Kapuya who’s was alleged to be behind UDA profligacy. He’s water-tightly implicated by Abby Mtemvu that he's the one lobbying to see to it that govt utility is stolen by Simon Group. By the way, where did Kapuya’s allegations of rape go? This is Bongo. The high and the mighty don’t break the law. If they do, they get away with it just like this situation whereby ministers are talking and acting like boozers. Worry not. We’re the hunk of boozers that’d keep on swallowing waiting for gas economy. Drink so much that you don’t see or feel unemployment ticking time bomb.
Source: ThisDay July 14, 2014.


Anonymous said...

Elimu, title na vyeti vyote tunavyo lakini hatujaelimika ili kutumia maarifa yetu kikamilifu. Hili ndiyo tatizo kuu..hasa wanaosemekana ni wasomi hasa huku kwetu Afrika

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Anon umenena na kusikika nadhani wahusika watasikia na kuchukua hatua hasa wapiga kura.

Anonymous said...

Wasira sura mbaya hata roho mbaya
Nashangaa Kuwa waziri kulikoni
Tupeni cv yake ana nini
Zeee linalala Kila siku bungeni
Nashangaa Anna japokuwakuwa siku hujifanya Anne
Hayaooni haya tangu kawa Spika ana mdomo
Lakini Watanzania jiulizeni mbona hajaolewa hadi Leo kulikoni

Anonymous said...

Hamasa mpo bongo
Tuondoleni takataka hizi

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Anon kweli wamekuudhi. Hata mimi huwa najiuliza wako wapi wazalendo lau wakaamua kutumia jino kwa jino dhidi ya wauaji hawa mafisadi.