The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Sunday, 27 July 2014

What a generous-cum-religious hunk!

          I must say it clearly, loudly and openly before I jolt it down. I’m against the tendency that’s become an in-thing in our society whereby biggies, companies and who've duped boozers pretending they love them while they actually hate and use them.
To begin with, public figures have been in the forefront when it comes to generously and oft-preparing iftar for boozers. Such show-offs can be seen everywhere in the hunk especially at this time of holy Ramadan. It’s reached a stage at which even sinners do offer iftar.
Offering iftar isn't a crime or a bad thing if a person doing so is spending his legally-gotten dosh. When such a person misspends public or ill-gotten monies, it becomes a whole new ball game.
The other day I heard it with my two ears. One boozer who’d enjoyed the iftar prepared by Jake Kiquette saying that he’s molesting the office plus misappropriating their dosh! Kweli binadamu hawana shukrani. You ate his yummy food and still accuse him of fiddling your dosh!
 The boozer who happens to be my best friend who looked yum-yum after munching Jake’s gourmet, wanted to know where Mr. Big gets the dosh for preparing iftar for unwanted eaters like boozers who observe no religion except kanywaji.  The boozer went on saying, “I think apart from promoting his religion, he uses this opportunity to bribe religious leaders.” To prove his point that this is a conduit for some biggies to bribe poor wananchi, the boozer said, “You can now see how companies are spending millions in this business of offering iftar. Muslims do not need this iftar given that when they fast they do so knowingly how they're capable of getting iftar legally. I'd like to know where Jake gets this money he squanders on iftar every year. Mzee Mchonga’d nary squandered our dosh in such hoo-ha.”
Given that I love Jake, I wanted to teach this guy a lesson save that given that he’s my best buddy, I found myself between a rock and a hard place. I, thus, decided to jolt this down so that others can muse on it.
I somewhat wonder to evidence companies known for swindling our dosh preparing iftar for boozers. If you truly love us why don’t you stop stealing our dosh or avoiding paying tax? The other day I saw IpTL guy donating monies to churches and police stations. Wow! If you truly love us why then have you stolen our ESCROW dosh?  Astonishingly, those institutions to which this dirty dosh is donated do keep mum. They don’t want to query the cleanliness of the dosh. Ukimchunguza kuku ati.  We all know how IpTL, for instance, has destroyed our lives for over ten years of its theft and illegal biz. We've borne the blunt of its dirty biz as we evidenced the death of our Tanesco not to mention power cut and power hike. Let’s face it. Don’t those who receive such dirty dosh condone theft in the first place? Baniani mbaya!
What’s more, history shows that fisadis and thieves like to use our institutions especially religious ones.  Who has easily forgotten how one mega thief used one Kinondoni church to clean his dosh? Wonder not to find that those whose dosh is made by means of selling pork, alcohol even drugs preparing iftar. Is this iftar really? Dosh cleaning using paupers and their hyena-like institutions has become an in-thing. Many tainted politicos use this loophole to even bribe and dupe voters. I still remember my friend Eddie Luwasha who throws dosh to every organization to see to it that he wins support from them come next general elections. I recently witnessed one son of big offer a lot of mattresses to some schools as he prepared his way back to ulaji.
Methinks. Our boozers need services and means of making them live respectable lives instead of depending on handouts by those who rob them and their hunk. The sage’s it that blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that taketh. Is there anybody who doesn't want blessings? Why’d blessings and power go to the same kit and caboodle of swindlers? Why should boozers give their blessings to criminals and sinners? Aren't themselves sinners as well for accepting dirty dosh?
Though generous as we might think and daydream we’re, slowly and systematically, we’re becoming nchi ya kitu kidogo. Like rats, we’re falling in the trap because of just small things like a groundnut that ends up costing the rat its dear life. Again, we’re bin-Adams. We’re supposed to use our heads in lieu of our stomachs.
Guess what. The other day I heard that Mr. Richmonduli is preparing iftar for boozers. If you ask him of his religion he’ll answer, “Graft and dosh.” How can such a creature know God at all? Who is fooling who in this megalomaniac generosity next to suicide for hoi polloi?

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