The season for politicians, cheechakos, jugglers, power brokers, courtiers and cheerleaders are but readying to sharpen their tools and tongues is now as we approach the next general elections. All eyes are on the voters. Truth and lies are flying like crazy. Eventually, fake love and concerned for boozers is emanating like mushrooms so to speak. All liars will be out and about in leaps and bounds. I recently heard Jan Makamba, the minor for Comm., Sci., and Tech provocation when he likened himself to prophet Nehemiah. The difference, nonetheless, is. Nehemiah wasn't a self-seeker scheming for mundane power.
The guy shamelessly quoted Jeremiah 1: 4-10 which says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” This quote left the whole boozers’ palaver baffled. How dare you comparing yourself with prophet Nehemiah who’s selfless and God-fearing in the hunk of Richmonduli EpA, IPtL, UdA and many other stinking scandals whereby the high and mighty eat with both hands without even washing them?
Seriously, Jan, please fear God the almighty and don’t take us for yo-yos and yahoos. Do you mean God appointed you in a fast-track manner to become minister without any qualifications except your father’s name? Tell me. How many young persons of your age who are ministers without carrying big names? If I were President Jake Kiquette I’d fire you and wait to see if God would appoint you.
Being a Muslim, many’d think that the guy’d use his book of authority. Others think that the boy’s trying to show udini even before becoming president. Therefore, those opposing to such hoo-hahs of using the word of God think: Makamba’d find another way of attaining his goals.
When the boy invented prophet-likening, one boozer said that we’d be prepared to hear plethora of blizzards and storms if not tons of lies such as asserting God ordered some criminals and swindlers to run for presidency. Guys, go tell it to the birds. God and prophets have nothing to do with your peccant penchant. Some fyatus wanted the guy to say it directly he wants to run for presidency simply because he carries a big name. They say that he wants to enjoy systemic –cum- kleptocratic- vigogo-dynasty rot our hunk’s in.
Before unmasking the whole lie, one boozer said that he sees no qualifications in the guy whose trump card in the game’s only his father’s name. Just like the Nchimbiiis, Mwinyiiis, Malimaaas, Karumeees, Kiquetteees, Nnauyees and many more, the guy sees himself and the likes as heirs of power that their parents have monopolized for long.
Though boozers are seen as fyatus due to swallowing a lot of kanywaji, they’they've a point. Those who know the boy well wonder how he’s promoted to such a high level. Again, does the boy think that the boozers have forgotten how his father, mzee Jose Makamba preempted everything saying his son would be appointed a minister. And before long, he’s appointed. This means that whatever the father of the boy says must be fulfilled. Again, if all father and son want’s presidency and power why’d they wrap their motive in God’s word? It's reached a point whereby the father is ready to dress down to defend Eddie Lowassa aka Mr Richmonduli who seems to feed the old ass well ass.
Apart from being a wino, sorry, a rookie, the boy needs to tell us what he’s ever done for our hunk. He’d tell us, apart from enjoying his father’s power that enabled him to go for higher education in the land of the gun lovers, what else has he done for our hunk.
The boy’s quoted quoting the bible saying, “God in his holy book wants a leader or deacon not to be quarrelsome, not to love money. He must manage his own family well. If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of a church or his country?”
Cool. We’re looking for a president but not a cleric or anything like it. Ironically, if looking after one’s family should have been one of the qualifications our president must have, some of those we see enjoying ulaji at Magogoni wouldn't have even gotten closer to the White House of our hunk. Again, saying that a leader should nary love money’s a big lie. In our hunk, power means money making. That’s why your dad made sure that you take the baton after he was retired. Unconfirmed and undisputed news came that the same guy offered free transport and some take home dosh. Wasn't that money in the first place? Whom are you trying to take for a ride sir?
Given that the boozers know everything the vigogo and their kids do, time to tell the Makambas that we don’t want them is now. In kanywaji parlance we call what’s going on ufisi. Others call it greed and corruption.
One boozer left us in stitches when he quoted Hebrew 3:12 saying, “Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God.”
Before anybody chipped in, another quoted Genesis 6:12, which says, “And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.”
The other one wound up the story quoting John 8:44 which says, “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
Source: ThisDay Jan., 27, 2014.