The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Sunday, 23 March 2014


When news reached me that some HIV- positive- Rwandan chicks were arrested in Dodoma two years ago as they’re vending their bodies illegally, I smelled a rat in our East African hurriedly cobbled unity.  So too, I sensed the danger we’re facing as the country that’s nary cared about anything. When I look at how those chicks were told to pack and go back to their country without even facing the wrath of the law, I feel like crying in the first place.
Yeah.  EA is cobbled thanks to being the creature that mwananchi has nary participated in its making leave alone understanding it. Maybe, the wananchi of other countries did both---making and consenting to the same. You can take this to the bank. Bongolalalanders never made the union or consented to it. They’re bulldozed by their mighty rulers.
I must categorically state that I ‘badly and blindly love’ the so-called East African Unity which one boozer said that it is but uppity.  For him, it is a creature of our rulers but not our people.
What changed my blind love to fear so as to oppose this fool-one-another outfit is the fact that it’ll soon boomerang. I can say that this stuff’s started to put Bongolalalanders in awkward situation.  I’m told that two of three Rwandan chicks were nabbed in Dom had ARVs to mean that miwaya have already affected them. However, all body sellers are killers by extension; these chicks are terrorists next to suicide –bombers we hear of in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The difference is: Those chicks are HIV-bombers. Try to imagine if this were committed by Bongo chicks in Rwanda.  True, Bongolalalanders are careless. Look at how they treated these killer chicks. Instead of charging them with deliberately causing deaths, they just told them to pack up and jump into the ocean! Does this need one to be a guru in criminal law really? What signal does this send? Gunk guff!
What adds up to my worries is the fact that Dom’s where Members of Mjengo convoke for long time to do their business in our name.  At this very time some of them are likely to need the services of these tarts. Yeah. Don’t think I’m abusing the hishimiwas. They’re human beings. Also their love of totoz is known too well. Seriously, Dodoma episode shows how Bongolalalanders are good at it for our own peril. In a simple parlance, we’re importing diseases and deaths.
The above situation tells it all that our hunk’s an outright loser in this mind-boggling game of unifying rotten hunks in the region. Bongo’s free land that’s up for grabs. Are we prepared? Are we duped and satisfied with this give-me-whatever- you-have love? Yeah. I’m wondering our bigwigs don’t want to see it this way? I know united we stand and divided we fall. Again, does the unity of goat and hyena make any sense?  Why not uniting with the hunks of our size and stature such as Zambia Mozambique even DRC?  The Zenj Union’s always been a stone a shoe for us. How come now we want to enter another loss making unity? I know. Pro-loss- making Union will pepper me with phrases such as: We want to tap in over 100 population market and movement of goods and service. Tell it to the birds. Nigeria’s more people than EA has. And yet, nothing’s ever come forth out of it. To hell with East African uppity they call unity. How can there be services and goods from countries suffering from beggary? What services do we expect from countries with high unemployment and millions of landless creatures while their leaders own the land the size of some of our regions?
If anything, what we’re trying to do is put together poverty thinking it can beget affluence. I won’t wonder to find that tycoons such as prezzo Independence Kinyatta can come and grab some more land to add to the millions of acres they already have in their land-grabbing hunk. Looking at how many landless many hunks surrounding us have, one wonders our way of thinking to allow such theft by consent in the name of making money. The other day I was reading the report on population in EA to find that Bongo’s the only one that’s sparsely inhabited compared to our neighbours whose population is next to explosives. Despite all this reality, we’re still cheating our people that there is something good in this hanky panky. We’re the only hunk endowed with minerals.
Is importing chicks suffering from HIV a big deal to show as a success of EA unity? My foot!  I won’t buy it.
Soon you’ll hear Rwandan complaining about importing corruption from Bongo as Kenyans do the same about Bongo’s careless behaviour not to mention tribalism from the latter. I won’t wonder to hear that chaps who speak ‘tribalized’ and corrupted English but don’t trained in any trade are  being employed in our hunk as teachers while our own chalk-dust eaters are turned down. You know what. If you’re chalk-dust eater who wants to be employed as a teacher in our academic and international schools that are not international just introduce yourself as a foreigner. Surely you’ll be hired. If you’re a twilight girl who isn't picked by philanders, just say I’m not Bongolalalander. Surely, you’ll get somebody to buy your curse--- sorry body-cum-shame. This way you’ll fulfill Latin idiom that o homines ad servitutem paratos; Men fit to be slaves. Only promiscuous ones I may submit.
Source: Business Times March 21, 2014.


Jaribu said...

I am skeptical about emergence of Rwandan sex workers. It reminds of some American sex workers always complaining about being swamped by disease ridden Mexicans. Methinks it is Kikwete trying to wind up his fellow goofball, Kagame. I am not too fond of Kagame, either.

If the truth be told, AIDS is also rampaging through the upper echelons of CCM. But nobody is talking about rounding them all up and shipping them off to places unknown. Instead we are left to cope with the effects of their diseased decision making.

Jaribu said...

Darn! I meant some American rednecks complaining about Mexicans.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

You always leave me in stitches especially on how you consistently and fiercely take on them. When the biggies contact HIV/AIDS spend our monies on their treatments in India and South Africa then fabricate the causes of their deaths. If miwaya can decimate them so be it despite the fact that we foot the bill. However once the number decreases, bankrupt and megalomaniac decisions decrease as well.

Jaribu said...

One can only brother, one can only hope...

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Good way of looking at things especially at this trying time we are faced with stinking corruption and nepotism in our country.