The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Bill Gates is not only the richest person but also the humblest

  1. [​IMG] 
Although Bill Henry Gates III, along with his wife Melinda,  is universally famously known for being the richest man in the planet, he has many accolades. He is the most giving out person whose philanthropic services have seen many poor people through. Of all I can say about this man is his humblest comportment. Two photos above, among others, can testify to this.Ironically, many African leaders or rich people do not allow themselves to become humble like this. Compare Gates with thieves like Mobutu, Abacha, Kenyatta and others. Even currently, Africa does not have such humble human beings whose power is used to empower others; whose education is used to educate others, and whose wealth is used to make others rich or make the lives of millions worthwhile and meaningful. 
Look at this. Gates is seen in the first photo eating rice and beans with poor students in Tanzania. I don't know of any African president or rich person who has ever gone this length. Ours have always been demigods, untouchable and irreproachable when it comes to who they actually are. They fear their people. They don't trust their systems the put in place. Most of them, their take is holier than thou which Gates seems to practically and truly deconstruct and overhaul. They totally lack self-confidence and trust. May God bless this man and award him many more years and prosperity for the benefit of the world. Indeed, African honchos need to learn from Bill Gates. What a humble and unassuming human being? 

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