The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Monday, 5 August 2013

Call it Bongo International Bwibwi Airport (BIBA)

When boozers read stories that Mwl Nyerere International Airport (JNIA) formerly known as Dar International Airport (DIA) has been turned into a drug conduit-cum-hub felt that something must be done.
First of all, they wanted all involved in this crime to be brought to book. Again, when boozers were daydreaming that such snakes in suit should be served their justice one of us opened our eyes up. He said, “Do you think your stupidity and daydreaming that drug barons should be sued can be worked on? Truly, the joint seems to have destroyed your way of looking at things. Who’d arrest who if at all those dealing with this stuff are the power that-be in itself?”
 Another boozer chipped in, “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Don’t you know that the kingpins of this crime are top dogs who essentially are sacred cows?”  The best thing boozer have in common is that they know almost everything. So, whenever you hear their stuff, try to make do with them.
Though one may pooh pooh boozers simply because they use beer brain, there’s a grain of truth in what they’re saying.  Ask yourself. Where’s the govt when drug barons turned our JNIA into their safe haven? Does it mean that our security organs don’t know who are behind this crime? If they don’t they should be disbanded so as to form able and competent ones. If they know but are compromised, also, they must be disbanded and those behind this malfeasance be brought to book.  It is sad to note that Bongolalaland’s become a no man’s land where every quack, thief, swindler, criminal and whatnot can make a killing comfortably.
The other day I met with a very expensive shangingi that belonged to one drug baron. I've known this guy since we were toddlers. His father’s the poorest man in our area.  He wasn't even able to take this guy to school just like others who got it and used to rob the public. Again, out of the blue, the guy’s become a tycoon and nobody raised eyebrows.
Who’ll bother to think like some stupid boozers who regard this crime as another national calamity? Do you remember a former big minister who narrowly escaped an arrest when Germans smelt a rat in his dealings?  What of recent incidents involving cops who were arrested in possession of elephant trophies just in Pwani region. Suppose this is the type of guys you've at the JNIA to man it? And indeed, most of those manning this installation are the same lot. Many punks who were employed just a few years ago are now filthy rich. Ask why? Go ask the drug baron. They'll give you the right answer. Again, where are we going to get clean and sane people to man this facility if at all the whole hunk is manned by a bunch of criminals and maniacs? To avoid being seen as abusing others by calling them names, ask yourself.  Aren’t those super rich guys you know who  stashed money in offshore banks still stealing even more maniacs and megalomaniac if not psychopaths?
One boozer Mchonozi son of Mnoko left us shocked when he said that he knows all drug barons. He said he knows that even mzee president knows them all as he once said.  Again, he says that given that every bin-Adam will nary get satisfied with mshiko, it makes easier for drug barons to compromise even those you think can’t be compromised. The other boozer quipped that what we call drug deals are not actually illegal for bigwigs. It is only illegal for paupers who are not connected or used by the high and mighty. So, always small fish will be roasted but not sharks. And, of course, this is the situation almost in every crime. If you rob the bank, you’re a hero and nobody will jail you. But if you steal a chicken you’ll be fried alive. This is our society. If you steal using a pen, you’ll never be jailed. But if you use the stone that’s known as 'fatuma' you’ll receive a life sentence. So, hither the issue isn't theft but who commits it. Dealing with drugs isn't a crime. The crime’s who deals with it. That’s why we've been chopping the branches while ignoring the stem and roots. Boozers know that cops arrest dopers and get their cuts from barons and this is the end of the game. Since justice’s put on the agora for buyers to buy, any bête noir with dosh can purchase anything even if it is illegal. Money talks. It talks louder especially in Bongo where ujanja is kupata even if the one getting money’s a bugger.
Boozers hate suffering especially psychologically. So, selling them bwimbwi makes them happy. What’s wrong with making them happy even if doing so destroys their brains? Who cares if at all if his vitegemezi are not the victims of his trade? One boozer left us in stitches. He said that’s why even mtukufu doesn't want to arrest drug barons.  For, those affected don’t even vote leave alone not being his relations.
As the discussion became hot one boozer finished the discussion saying that JNIA’d change its name to Bongo International Bwimbwi Airport (BIBA) in the honour of those men and women who bring bwimbwi that makes boozers and dopers happy. So too, it must be privatized to drug barons officially so that the media might stop harassing them reporting about their deals.
Jokes aside, tamaa na upogo vitaagamiza taifa. Again, what do you expect when the blind leads the blind?
Source: Thisday Aug., 6 , 2013.

1 comment:

Jaribu said...

Didn't he give those dope dealers two weeks to cease operations and pack their drug laden bags? Rumors have it that Ritz one took a rather dim view of that ultimatum.