The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Only leaders with big heart can do this

    Just imagine. You re in Dar and you call a taxi and the guy behind the wheel is Jakaya Kikwete. Put it this way. You are in Nairobi. You flag a taxi and the guy packing in front of you is Uhuru Kenyatta. How will you react when you are in Kigali to find that the taxi you have flagged is driven by Paul Kagame especially when the passenger you are with is Kikwete. Jokes aside, Norway PM Jens Stoltenberg perfected this art. He decided to slip in uniforms and drove a cab to see how holoi polloi in his country live. He went incognito though some sharp eyes were able to blow his cover. Again, can an African dictator attempt such a thing? The answer is likely to be not affirmative thanks to what happened to Muamar Gaddafi who was butchered like a thief. What Stoltenberg did proves how leaders can commingle with the common citizenry while rulers can't think about it leave alone attempt to do it. For more info, CLICK HITHER.


Anonymous said...

Nimeipenda hii, kwa sababu zozote zilizompelekea kiongozi huyu kufanya alivyofanya. Kwetu Afrika...thubutuu! Hata kuwa abiria tu kwenye hizo taksi hawataki, sembuse watawala wetu wale wajaribu udereva? Si watawala pekee, wake/waume zao, vitegemezi vyao na kadhalika.

Endelea kutujuvya, kiongozi Mhango.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Anon nashukuru kwa kunitembelea na kuacha lulu. Nitajitahidi kuendelea kuwajuza. Kila la heri ndugu yangu na karibu tena.

Anonymous said...

Whew! Mhango this is incredible and will never happen in most if not all African countries,unless pigs fly! I only heard of one president from Uruguay who drives himself in his ancient car! Ask our empty headed African leaders,the likes of Mugabe to do this and sure am telling you will wait for answers till the cows comes home! Much kudos to you great minded father MHANGO.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Anon number two,
Many thanks for your encouragement and concerns about our mother Africa. I believe things will soon change. I can assure you. The young generation that is stepping into the shoes of our potentates won't make do with their ballyhoos and hoo-has. Time for kicking their a---- is just soon.
Mugabe is bloody kicking but dying horse. His time is up and what is left is for Zimbabweans to get a new dawn soon after this rat kicks the bucket.

Anonymous said...

That's quite true sir! However, I hope all that we write goes in vain! Because if African leaders reads your articles, changes would have prevailed, for example, I was taken aback with your article in The African Executive of 9th July 2008, an article titled 'Congratulation Bob Mugabe'. From this satire,you pinned down some facts about Zimbwabe eg. on ''economy that the country's bill was 50,000,000 at the time and that democracy was 2nd to non''. If Mugabe would've read this he'd have stepped down! So from this fact, Iam justing wondering if this writings will do(?) Ask Kikwete today about you if he knows anything about you,Afro Spear and/or Free Thinking unabii, rest assured that the wise head of state will bite his fingers to red sore without even answering! He knows nothing about. So, great mindend father Mhango do you think this will do?

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Dear Anon
Those snakes in suits read and sometimes if they don't their honchos and courtiers tell them. Didn't you hear Dr Zilch saying that he knew what Kagame was saying. He said he was told by his buggers. One of his henchmen once asked about me. Not only that, I once sent a personal email to SalmA's Ulaji NGO to stop using Ikulu address and they did right away. When it comes to Jaribu, I concur with your take of things.
Again, welcome again,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the useful details. So, the first lady's ulaji once used the ikulu address?! Whew! This is what Mwl.J.K condemned... 'ikulu ni mahali patakatifu,...siyo pango la walanguzi..' so the place now is the real 'pango la walanguzi', thanks to your consciousness great fr. Mhango.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

No problem Anon. The first lady once used Ikulu address in her WAMA or Wanawake wa wakubwa na Maulaji. I got it on WAMA's website and when I descended down on it they removed it right away.