The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Tuesday, 12 January 2021


When president Donald Trump ordered and sanctioned the attack on the Capitol Hill did, he know he was offering an opportunity to true Republicans to take back their party from his grips? In East Africa, recently, there have been efforts to clean the mighty Lake Nyanza that for years has been engulfed by invasive water hyacinths.  Likewise, since voting Trump president, the Republican Party found itself in a big imbroglio. Instead of standing for its philosophy, it found itself being bulldozed by Trump under his Trumpism to be precise.  Those in the know knew how the party was slowly dying and shifting from its principles. Instead of being guided by its principles, the party ended up being consumed and misled by Trumpism and nihilism so to speak. Thus, when Trump incited and ordered the desecrating and vandalizing the Capitol Hill, the opportune moment for true Republicans availed itself for them to seize and do the needful for their party and their country altogether.
However, for fear of losing their posh positions, many decided to cower before Trumpism despite the fact that, at heart, they were unsatisfied with how their party was abusively used and misused. Knowing the powers, he wages, many decided to play it safe. Who wants to face a hard-nosed monster for his or her peril? After coxing and urging Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment seeking to fire Trump to no avail, now, the Democrats have started the process of impeaching Trump as a way of unseating him. Some Republicans are coming forth vigorously to openly support the move. The magic that Trump used to bulldoze and hoodwink America is now long gone. Recently, Liz Cheney, the daughter of the former Vice President, decided to forcefully and openly come forth and be counted saying that she’d support the impeachment. Apart from Cheney, the Fox News (January 12th, 2021) quoted former Trump’s protégé Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader as saying that “Donald John Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United State.” Other republican trailblazers who echoed the same sentiments are Senators, Ben Sasse (Nebraska), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania) and Representative and Adam Kinziger (Illinois 16th District and Liz Cheney (Wyoming).  Others are believed to be in the process of disclosing their stands on this move. Chances are that many Republicans will support the impeachment.
Political pundits will agree with us that Trump has, for four years, become toxic. For, he has divided the country not to mention sidelined it internationally. Before ordering the attacks on the Capitol Hill, Trump enjoyed unchecked power as the man who can decide the fate of any if not all republicans thanks to having millions of followers. Again, after his terrorist and treasonous actions against the US, the table soon will be turned on Trump. Trumps becomes the first and only president to be impeached twice. Impeachment aims at barring Trump from holding any public office in the future not to mention being liable for criminal liability resulting from his incitements and vandalizing the Capitol Hill. No trust is left in Trump’s presidency and sanity. Thus, he has to quickly go. Will Trump survive this political looming danger? It seems. His book of tricks has run out of tricks for the master manipulator to pull out his surprises. Trump is quickly and unexpectedly sinking. The genie is out of the bottle. Will Trump put it back into?Is the battle for the control of the GOP has started? Who knows?

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