The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Trump Offered Republicans an Opportunity to Redeem Their Party

When   former US president Donald Trump enflamed and sanctioned the attack on the Capitol Hill, did he know he’s credulously offering a golden opportunity–––many of them were, of course, waiting for––––to true Republicans to take back their party from his grips? This is like the only opportunity for the Bedouin who, out of his munificence, welcomed a camel in his tiny tent to end up being thrown out to the cold as the beast occupied a cozy bivouac while its owner was yowling in angst in a cold desert.  Likewise, since voting Trump in the White House, the Republican Party found itself in whopping imbroglio-cum-quandary and disenchantment. Instead of standing for its philosophy, it found itself being bulldozed by Trump under his Trumpism to be precise.  For four years, Trump lorded it over everybody in the party and in the country up until he recently lost presidency. Those in the know knew and still know how the party’s slowly deteriorating into decay after digressing from its principles. Instead of being guided by its principles, the party ended up being spent and misspent by Trumpism and nihilism so to speak. It became one of Trump’s many controversial ventures that enabled him to live and trade without paying tax since 2000 (the New York Times, September 28, 2020).

However, Swahili sage has it that whatever begins must end. Thus, when Trump incited and ordered his domestic terrorists to attack, desecrate and vandalize the Capitol Hill (the citadel of America’s democracy and hegemony), the opportune moment for true Republicans availed itself for them to seize and do the needful for their party and their country altogether. For the first time since Trump grabbed Republican Party, he’d to smell the coffee waiting to receive his prizes after the second impeachment, which makes him the only president on earth to be impeached twice.
            Many Republicans were not happy with Trump’s takeover of their party after enabled it to controversially and unbelievably clinch the White House in 2016 thanks to Russian meddling in the elections. For four years under Trump’s watch, Republicans suffered more than any time of the history of their party. Trump created conducive environment for his ouster. Instead of leading the party, he turned it into his private estate manned by his children, associates and in-laws. However, for fear of losing their posh positions or elections, many decided to cower before Trumpism despite the fact that, at heart, they were unsatisfied with how their party was abusively used and misused. Knowing the powers, he wages, many decided to play it safe. Who wants to face a hardnosed monster for his or her peril? Therefore, up until now, the Republicans are waiting for their opponents, the Democrats to slay the monsters they seem to have feared to take on.

Evidencing how the Republicans proved to be unable to take on the invader  and thereby reclaim their party, the Democrats vigilantly seized the opportunity the Republicans abused. They tried to use the constitution to bring Trump down. To do this, they had to act decisively and quickly. They asked the former Vice president Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment seeking to fire Trump which Pence declined to do. After coxing Pence to legally fire Trump to no avail, now that the Democrats have started the process of impeaching Trump for the second time for inciting his domestic terrorists and white chauvinists to attack the Capitol as a way of unseating him. Some Republicans are coming forth vigorously to openly support the move. The magic wand that Trump used to bulldoze and hoodwink America is now long gone. He pulled the imp out of the bottle. He can’t return it back into the bottle.

 Recently, Republican representative Liz Cheney, the daughter of the former Vice President, pluckily decided to forcefully and openly come forth to be counted saying that she’d support the impeachment and conviction of Trump that will signal his chance to serve in any public office once and for all. Apart from Cheney, the Fox News (January 12th, 2021) quoted former Trump’s protégé Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader as saying that “Donald John Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United State.” Other Republican trailblazers who echoed the same sentiments are Senators, Ben Sasse (Nebraska), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania) and Representative and Adam Kinziger (Illinois 16th District and Liz Cheney (Wyoming).  Others are believed to be in the process of disclosing their stands on this move. Chances are that many Republicans will support the impeachment. If those Republicans truly stick to their guns, thankfully, Trump is done.
            Political pundits will agree with us that Trump has, for four years, become toxic. For, he has divvied and polarised the country not to mention sidelined it internationally. Before inciting, ordering and sanctioning the attacks on the Capitol Hill, Trump enjoyed unchecked powers as the man on the top who would decide the fate of any if not all Republicans vying for office thanks to having millions of followers that religiously listen to whatever nonsenses he wants them to do. Again, after his terrorist and treasonous actions against the US, the table soon will be turned on Trump. His stars no longer align. Will the Republicans in the senate throw him under the bus the same way he did to his followers who carried out his orders of attacking and desecrating the Capitoline? Trumps becomes the first and only president to be impeached twice in the history of the US and the presidency anywhere in the world. The impeachment aims at barring Trump from holding any public office in the future not to mention being liable for criminal liability resulting from his incitements and vandalizing the Capitol Hill. No trust is left in Trump’s capability and sanity in anything public. Thus, he has to quickly go the political nonbeing after callously falling from grace. Will Trump survive this political looming blitzkrieg? It seems. His book of tricks has run out of tricks for the master manipulator to pull out his surprises. Trump is quickly and unexpectedly sinking. Nobody can save him from the danger and the mess he created. Chips for Trump are down now. It is time for him face the music for whatever criminality he partook of such as attacking American democracy and many more.

         In sum, Julius Nyerere once warned allowing corrupt leaders and rotten businesspeople in the State House. For, there is no business there. The US put the business and conman Donald Trump in the White House to end up being humiliated. Now, a diminished and disgraced figure, Trump has left the White House for President Joe Biden to cleans and organise.  At last, the genie has been put back into the bottle. Now that the instigator in chief and a threat to the US is gone, it is time for Americans to lick and nurse the wounds and move on as the appease themselves not to repeat the mistake again of voting a criminal in their White House. The US has to start salvaging its lost and tarnished image globally. Although Biden has revoked some of Trump's punitive writs with fiat, he needs to do more to redress all those who were injured under Trump criminality not to mention countries offended or punitively singled out by the outgoing criminal. This said, Trump must not be left to go scot free for the crimes he committed as the president of the US. Bye, bye Donald Trump.  Go Trump. Go Trump. The world will forever remember you as the most discordant and racist president of the US.

Source: African Executive Magazine.

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