The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Tuesday, 19 January 2021



Swahili sage has it that nyani haoni kundule or the ape doesn't see its hind parts. This has become evident today when a criminal president of the US, Donald Trump  imposed blanket and controversial visa restrictions to some Tanzania officials, in parting shot, because, as he feels, the last year elections in Tanzania were not credible, free and fair. Again, show confusion and abuse of presidential power for the guy who has already shown the door, no names are specifically listed down or mentioned. What does this means if not a blanket punishment whose reasons do not exist except for Trump's power craziness?  Before looking at if Trump even the US have any moral high ground to do so, let's ask ourselves if Trump's farfetched allegations that the elections in his own country organized by his own government was rigged in his watch. If he failed to preside over credible, free and fair elections of his country in which he was a runner and later a loser, how was he able to see Tanzania's.  The ape doesn't see its hind parts.
        Truly the Ape does't see its stizfeisch or buttocks to be clear. FOR MORE INFO, PLEASE CLICK HERE. If anything, what Trump and the US have done is not only hypocritical but also holier than thou and self-deceiving if not seeking cheap popularity or registering their colonial mentality. How can a man who is leaving office unhonorably like Trump have any sanity of imposing visa restrictions to anybody if at all he has already faced the same in Europe? True to form, Trump is nothing but a xenophobe, megalomaniac and lunatic who becomes the first US president to be impeached twice. He becomes the first US president to incite and support domestic terrorists to attack and terrorise his country while in office. Indeed, he is a treasonous criminal who needs to be jailed.  How can a pig laugh at a warthog while they all are of the same family? How can a camel laugh at cow's hemp? Really? Those who are good at comparing rulers, not leaders, Trump is in the class of the Biyas, Musevenis, Nguemas and the like.  Remember. This is the guy who once called African countries shitholes. Remember. This is a criminal president who incited his hoodlums who religious follow him to attack his country on January 6, 2021 desecrating the Capitol Hill, the symbol of America's hegemonic democracy. This is a racist president who once alleged that former US president Barack Obama was not an American. This is an ignorant president who once suggested that Covid-19 patients should be injected with sanitizers to kill the virus. This is the guy who was once forced by the court in New York to  rent his apartments to Black people he once denied the right to rent them. This none other than Narcissist and Nazist Donald Trump, the son of immigrants to the US who hates other immigrants like his parents. This is Trump the cheat who once doped Americans to vote for him for their peril. This is the president who order US domestic terrorists to attack the Capitol.

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