The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Israel Needs To Rid of Itself of Apartheid Tab

Some people called Israel an apartheid country. The HRW (April27, 2021) notes that “Israel’s policies and practices towards Palestinians continued along the same trajectory, the situation, at least in the West Bank, would become tantamount to apartheid.” Further, the Washington Post (May 20, 2021) concludes that “the Israeli occupation of the West Bank is, by every definition, apartheid. Linking apartheid South Africa and Israel is easy. They both exercise discrimination and segregation. 
        Again, if Israel keeps behaving like South African apartheid, it unintentionally buys into the truth that the territory it seeks to own and protect is Palestinian as was the case of blacks vs whites in South Africa. Like Israel, apartheid South Africa used the bible to justify its claims over South Africa. Because of world geopolitics and unfairness of the world system as the west created it for its benefits, recent Israel incursion on Palestine went without being reprimanded globally. The west–––that’s always vocal when such criminality of this magnitude and nature is committed–––has maintained double standard and silence on the conflict in the Middle East. The west that’s been vocal against China for maltreating the Uighurs not to mention Rohingya in Burma proved to side with the perpetrators and ignored the victims. 
        One wonders why the same kept mum about Palestinians.  Two parts to this conflict, Israel and Palestine, faced off in the recent carnage wherein the latter mercilessly humiliated the former. Although we can say the duo faced off, practically, it was a David-goliath tussle. Whereas Israel used American bombs and its military might to kill Palestinians, demolish building and suffocate the general Palestine population, the victims used homemade bombs to defend themselves. The TVs showed the fight between the trigger-happy Israel soldiers and rock waging Palestinian youth and children. The world saw September eleven like scenes in Gaza where tall buildings were attacked and razed to the ground in a terrorist like style by Israel military. The world didn’t come forth to tell the goliath to stop degrading and bulling David.
         In this conflict, many innocent people, notably children, elderly and women were on the receiving end as the world just silently watch as it turned blind ear and eye as if those victims were not humans who deserve to enjoy their human rights among which are the right to life and security. Once again, the world displayed its stinking indifference that shows how its if openly unfair and brutal is by ignoring the rights of some and standing by criminality by the nation of holier than thou against defenceless people. 
        As indicated above, Israel is now viewed as an apartheid regime. The difference though is that the Boers in South Africa––––who introduced and executed apartheid––––are the citizens of the country they now own with the victims––––apartheid Israel seeks to keep on grabbing and occupying Palestine as another country they don’t belong to. This is the state whose land they grabbed and owned at the expense and suffering of the rightful owner of the land. 
        Whereas the apartheid South Africa was partly supported by the west, apartheid Israel is totally supported and is a creature of the west for the purpose of creating fear among oil-rich Middle East. Whereas apartheid South Africa didn’t enjoy the ‘sacredness’ of its existence, apartheid Israel–––thanks to the coloniality of the international superstructure––––enjoys fake sacredness created by the west in order to use it for the reasons it knows and protects even at the expense of its image. When apartheid Israel attacked Palestine, the world was divided right in the middle whereby the west and some other who view themselves as Christians on the one side and Arabs and their co-religionists Muslims opposingly stood by the duo. 
        In Africa, this divide is obvious. Many Muslims support Palestine under the mantra that all Muslims are brethren despite the fact that when Africa is on a receiving end, this fake brotherhood evaporates. Who’s siding with or talking about sectarian conflict in Central African Republic (CAR) where Christian and Muslim Africans are butchering each other because of their ideological differences? Arabs who use Islam as the pretext of seeking sympathy demonstrated when Africa is on the receiving end. Neither do they bother to treat many African workers in the Middle East decently. 
        Again, why do Africans superimpose themselves in Arab matters? Refer to many massive demonstrations in some African capitals condemning Israeli, which is their right while the same have kept mum about the death of their colleagues in Middle East?  Who cares about black people butchering each other because of foreign dogma if they too don’t care about themselves?  Who’s talking about the plight of Africans sold in slavery in the Maghreb now despite the fact that they’re Muslims and Christians in this criminality? 
        When Israel butchered innocent children and women in Palestine–––the criminality that’s repeated when needs be–––the so-called civilised international community got cold feet. As for dependent and ever-begging African countries were afraid of coming forth and lose their leverage and support from the rich west. When the UN sought to deliberate on the conflict, the US, the world’s self-appointed police, stifled the process in order to save its ally in the Middle East. President Joe Biden–––who’s expected to embattled Israel PM, Benyamin Netanyahu who invented this conflict to save his neck from corruption related criminal cases––––shocked many for his docility and indifference despite the fact that Netanyahu openly dissed him and Obama since he’s not white enough to become the president of the US, the sentiment many Middle East rulers share on him. 
        When Africa stooges chipped in, they just advising that the two parts to conflict to observe truce without going deep into the root causes of the conflict.  Because of this double standard, Israel has reached the stage of attacking the International Criminal Court (ICC) when it registered it concerns and the aim of probing the conflict in the Middle East in order to bring the suspects to justice. Israel shamelessly ranted at the ICC, and nobody reprimanded it the same way the world did when some African leaders registered their dissatisfaction against the ICC.
Because of this holier than thou mentality, Israel regards itself as a blue-eyed boy/girl of the world. Because of this preferential treatment by the west even African countries don’t want to be at loggerheads with the injustices Israel has perpetually committed against Palestinians since the west precast in in 1948.
        As a peace maker and scholar, methinks, Israel needs to come to the reality of the moment by embarking on a two-states solution to the conflict in the Middle East instead of flexing its muscles with the aim of keeping on grabbing Palestinian lands with the belief that it will succeed to delete it from the face of the earth.
        The conflict in the Middle East displayed four important things namely, the world superstructure’s double standard, injustices, shamelessness and unfairness. So, too, this conflict speaks to the need to overhaul the world system in order to address such anomalies as displayed in this conflict. More importantly, the conflict shows the insignificance of Africa and its people. 
        Lastly, when it comes to terrorism, one can say that its definitions are sham if they cannot include what the world evidenced in Gaza recently. The terror that Gaza was subjected to is unimaginable. Despite doing all this, Israel still enjoys aid financially, military and politically from the west. For what? To exercise apartheid.
Source: African Executive Tomorrow.

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